
Hi there!

I am a marketing expert by profession and working for a big company in Texas. I’ve more than 25 years of experience in this sector. After doing my MBA I joined a small firm where I worked for five years. I’d learned many things at that job. I’ve seen the company grow and had been part of the journey. Over the years I’ve seen how marketing has evolved. I have seen how the demand for online marketing increased.

I always attend lots of seminars and business events. This keeps me updated with the latest trends in business. I meet lots of industry leaders and learn important things from them. For many years I was thinking of writing a blog and I finally started writing it in 2008. Here I write articles on various aspects of the business. Whenever I complete a new project, I share my experience with my readers. I have many guest writers as well who are industry specialists. They provide important insights into the business world. This is a very resourceful blog and you will find it very useful. I hope you will visit my site regularly.